
Auto Enrolment

Make sure that you avoid auto-enrolment fines and CCJs

By | Auto Enrolment, Legislation | No Comments

Employers are starting to receive CCJs (County Court Judgements) for failing to pay auto-enrolment fines. This occurs when penalty notices issued by The Pensions Regulator are ignored.

If the fine is not paid within a 30 day period of the CCJ being issued, it gets entered on the company’s credit record and will remain there for six years. This can affect the ability to raise finance, amongst other things.

The Executive Director for auto-enrolment at The Pensions Regulator, Charles Counsell, commented: “Burying your head in the sand and ignoring your legal duties means your staff are missing out on pensions they are entitled to and your credit rating and reputation could be hit.”

CARE Payroll Group can handle all of your auto-enrolment processes and paperwork. For example, do you know when your auto-enrolment deadlines are? We want to ensure that you avoid penalties, escalating penalties and CCJs.

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